Wildcraft Blogs

Java 9 - JDK Module Dependencies

In order to know the dependents/dependecies of any JDK module, select the module on the below chart. All dependents will be highlighted with color green & lighter green and all the module dependencies will be highlighted with color red & brown.

Green - normal dependents.
Lighter green - transitive dependents.
Red - normal dependencies.
Brown - transitive dependencies.

Aggregator is a module with module-info.class only. There are 3 aggregator module in Jdk.

  1. java.se
  2. java.se.ee
  3. jdk.jdwp.agent

In order to know about the list of exported packages and service provider interfaces & providers, refer - JDK Module Summary

The above diagram has been generated using D3 JS library and with a reference implementation for Hierarchical Edge Bundling. To know more about the diagram generation, you can check out the reference implementation.