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Java Module Configuration

Java Module Configuration in Java 9 can be expressed with EBNF and Railroad Diagram as shown below.

EBNF Statement with which the diagram was generated is as below, JavaModuleConfiguration ::= annotation* 'open'? 'module' name '{' ('requires' 'transitive'? 'static'? moduleName ';' )* ( ( 'exports' | 'opens' ) packageName ( 'to' moduleName (',' moduleName)* )? ';' )* ( 'uses' SPIClassNameWithPackage ';' )* ( 'provides' SPIClassNameWithPackage 'with' SPIClassImplWithPackage (',' SPIClassImplWithPackage)* ';' )* '}'

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The above diagram has been generated with Railroad Diagram Generator. To know more about railroad diagram and to generate your custom diagram visit Railroad Diagram Generator